
Hello Migraineurs! Welcome to migraine free life!

Angela A Stanton, PhD on April 29, 2022

Angela A Stanton, PhD has earned her doctorate in Neuroeconomics (PhD in Economics with Experimental Neuroscience as the dissertation, here is chapter 2 of the dissertation for understanding the field: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0001128 ) and is fMRI certified. Her research focused on understanding how human decision-making is influenced by neurotransmitter (hormonal) changes in the brain. She ran many experiments, gaining an appreciation of the important roles neurons and hormones play in mental and physiological functions. As a postdoc, she was invited to the Max Planck Institute in Germany as a visiting research fellow. A lifelong migraine sufferer, in 2009 she took early retirement from her teaching position and has become an avid researcher in the field of migraines. Her efforts of understanding the cause of migraines have been assisted by thousands of migraine sufferers around the world. In 2014 she published the first, and in 2017 the second edition of the book (Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: Complete Guide) that established her as a leader in the field of migraine research based on nutrition and electrolytes. She now teaches migraine sufferers and healthcare practitioners all over the world about how to abort and prevent migraines without the use of medicine, using nutritional methods. She lives in sunny Southern California with her husband near her children and grandchildren, where she never stops trying to inspire everyone about the health benefits of healthy low-carbohydrate ways of eating, as well as the importance of staying active with mind and body. 

She can be reached via contact form: https://stantonmigraineprotocol.com/

Twitter: @MigraineBook

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaAStantonPhD

Email: angela@migraine-book.com

Full educational background:

BSc (Mathematics), UCLA


MSc (Management Science and Engineering), Stanford University

PhD (Neuro-Economics), Claremont Graduate University

fMRI certification, Harvard University, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

She had been interviewed many times about migraine, hydration, and nutrition.


Classes Taught & Presentations:

World Nutrition Summit 2022: Migraine Treatment and Prevention by the Stanton Migraine Protocol® https://courses.nutrition-network.org/p/wns2022

Nutrition Network, 3 lecture hours on migraine plus an hour of personal interview. These classes are for healthcare providers, and offer continuing education credit: https://nutrition-network.org/neurology/ This class requires payment to the organization of Nutrition Network.

You can see an introduction here: “Angela Stanton, PhD & Jayne Bullen – Neurology” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8wJFImo0XA  

Nutrition Coalition in the UK: The Stanton Migraine Protocol®: A Masterclass https://nutritioncollective.co.uk/courses/the-stanton-migraine-protocol/  I talked about the cause of migraines and how to treat and prevent it without medicines. This course is for CED for medical professionals. This organization requires a membership that is not free.

YouTube Video Interviews:

MIGRAINES AND KETO – BENEFIT OR LIABILITY? Dr. Cywes with Dr. Angela A. Stanton (part 1)

MIGRAINES AND KETO – BENEFIT OR LIABILITY? Dr. Robert Cywes MD, PhD interviews Angela A Stanton PhD, part 2:

A Complete Guide To Migraines with Angela Stanton, Ph.D. on Boundless Body Radio! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke991DgOukg

The Low Carb Lifestyle Podcast by Tracey McBeath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBD0VZoEhYg

“The Stanton protocol for dealing with migraines| ft. Angela Stanton |PART 2” with Astrid Naranjo Accredited RD & Nutritionist  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jNt5J_UABg&lc=

“Everything you need to know about Migraines.| Angela Stanton PhD | part 1” with Astrid Naranjo Accredited RD & Nutritionist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHIo44QroF4&t

“dLife.in Podcast: Angela Stanton on Migraines and Low Carb LCHF & Keto Diet” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4To7hzK7FA

“LLVLC Podcast with host Jimmy Moore: Angela Stanton Takes Us To School On Migraines, Hormones, & Keto Carnivore Diets” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWeS3X8gbG0

“Stop Migraines On Demand”–Dr. Angela A. Stanton with Dr. Pete’s Keto Club:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEc6oAOfM7c

“MeatRx Carnivore Community Meeting with Angela Stanton, PHD” with Dr. Shawn Baker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Y9I9YdRz8&feature=youtu.be

The Ketogenic Girl “Electrolytes, Water Retention, Protein & Ketones on Keto and Carnivore with Dr. Angela Stanton”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htY1swgWVo4&feature&fbclid

Nutrition with Judy (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdV7_-rvWoE&t

Nutrition with Judy (part 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pvCsrb2k2A&t

Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter: Episode 109: Angela Stanton – Is Your Diet Giving You Migraines? https://youtu.be/Y-BcsGllgmU 

Biohackers Lab: Natural Migraine Relief (Stanton Migraine Protocol Review) • Dr Angela Stanton PhD https://youtu.be/AjyTLCk73gM 

The Ketogenic Girl: Keto & Carnivore: Electrolytes, Water Retention & More with Dr. Angela Stanton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZHNRlS6qj4 

MeatRx with Dr. Shawn Baker: Dr Angela Stanton – MeatRx Community VIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ppkOujM00&t 

The Ketogenic Girl #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zVqWX9-RHw


Boundless Body Radio: https://www.myboundlessbody.com/podcast-1/episode/4bd47d19/fighting-the-migraine-epidemic-with-dr-angela-stanton-070

by Carnivore Cast: Dr. Angela Stanton – Migraine Relief, Electrolytes, Keto/Glucose Brain Metabolism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EHUUOC8zVk&lc

Bisu: Preventing electrolyte imbalances – how to beat migraines, keto flu & Bloat – Angela Stanton, Ph.D. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/preventing-electrolyte-imbalances-how-to-beat-migraines/id1513190058?i=1000484946679 

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone: Angela A. Stanton PhD:

The Current Book

“Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide. How to Treat & Prevent Migraines Without Medicines”

Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: Complete Guide
Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: Complete Guide

is released in e-book and paperback.

Questions? Comments?

Please fill in the contact form if you wish to get in touch with me.

Updated CV

4 Responses to About

  1. Dear Justin,

    I cannot give any medical advise over the internet. I suggest that you contact me via my FB migraine groups.

    In terms of serotonin syndrome, which is an increase of serotonin, it can lead to sexual dysfunction and a drop in testosterone. Because of the way SSRIs occupy the receptors of the reuptake (which would tell the neuron to stop making serotonin), sometimes long-term or even permanent damage may occur.

    The keto diet with intermittent fasting is one of the best diets for healing, with carnivore being the other. But the healing comes from fasting. As a migraineur, fasting can get you into serious migraines. I recommend you join my migraine groups to learn what to do. I have 2 groups and I recommend you join both. The bigger one is not keto nor is fasting allowed, but I check your metabolic health there and see if all is ready for you in terms of fasting. This group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MigraineSufferers

    The other group is a keto group, here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KetogenicDietforMigraines but you can only join this group if you no longer have serious migraines and not taking any meds.

    See you in the group,


  2. Justin says:

    Hi Dr. Angela.,
    I came across your article about serotonin syndrome and felt very inclined to reach out to you. I hope this message reaches you. I have suffered from migraines for years. Was put on an ssri then prescribed sumatriptan. I definitely feel that I experienced serotonin syndrome. I am now off all meds and believe I am suffering from PSSD – lingering post ssri sexual dysfunction. Do youhave any experience with this label? I would love a consult with you to discuss if at all possible. I feel as if my serotonin levels are completely out of balance. I’ve been documenting how certain foods are triggers/helps and have totally revamped my diet to keto and intermittent fasting. I am very interested and determined to heal, find a cure, and understand this. I’m just looking for help and guidance. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


  3. Hi Marcia,

    The Stanton Migraine Protocol® is very different from what Dr. Buscholz recommends. The Stanton Migraine Protocol® actually teaches you what triggers in the food and how to counter that chemical.

    For example, fruits he discusses to not eat, such as bananas, are believed to be high potassium foods and are recommended for the general population; he just tells you to not eat it but not why.

    Bananas have less potassium than half an avocado but, depending on size and ripeness, contain between 6-15 teaspoons of sugar equivalent in addition to natural MSG. Sugar is a major trigger for migraineurs, read one of my articles here: Migraine: Do We Have It All Wrong? and for some MSG causes headaches. I am not suggesting to eat bananas because of the sugar content–unless you like to eat them before they ripen and are nearly still green. At that time their sugar content is minimal and are mostly resistant starch.

    As you see there is a lot to learn about food. The Stanton Migraine Protocol® teaches you the biochemical cause of migraines and how to prevent them. I offer a free option on Facebook or a private consult for fee. If you prefer the for-fee option, please send a note via the contact form, which sends an email to me.

    Have a wonderful evening,


  4. Marcia Hogg says:

    Hello… I just found you minutes ago. I’m interested in this protocol. I’m 49, female, suffering for 26 years with migraines (without aura… “just” phonophobia, photophobia, horrid stiff neck, etc) and they’re getting more frequent. I’m at about 10 per month. I take Axert and OTCs, but nothing prophylactically right now (after trying SSRIs and beta blockers). I have done the David Buchholz migraine protocol with some success since 2013, but mostly I find that I’m MORE sensitive to food triggers and have to be more diligent for minimal return on investment. It’s exhausting. I take CoQ10, B-complex, Magnesium glysinate (citrate causes migraines for me), but I’m not always as regular with these as I ought to be.

    I’m seeing my neurologist tomorrow for a follow-up. I told him ‘no” to Depakote and Topomax, but given how uncontrolled my headaches are, I’m certain he’s going to try to talk me into either drug. Brain fog and vision disturbances are not options for me as I’m a teacher who loves her job, and I can’t work with brain fog. My vision is already hard to treat.

    Anyway, is your protocol markedly different than that of Buchholz? I’ll order the book and pour through your website. I sent a “join group” request on FB. I live in Calgary, Canada, where barometric weather shift and dramatic and constant.

    Thanks for any help you can offer,
    Marci Hogg

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