The Genetics of Migraine at Ion Pumps–Connect to the Stanton Migraine Protocol

Genetic Mutations Findings Support The Stanton Migraine Protocol®

Sharing some amazing information: thanks to one of the migraine group members for sharing an important article with me. This article explains the genetic foundation to all of my work and discovery of the ionic pump problems associated with migraines at the voltage gated sodium-potassium channels and ATPhase which is associated with mutations in the glucose metabolism processes.

The article is extremely technical with a lot of jargon but the title tells it all

ATP1A2 Mutations in Migraine: Seeing through the Facets of an Ion Pump onto the Neurobiology of Disease

It discusses the exact hyper sensory organ sensitivity, the mutation of the pumps for which migraineurs need to use extra salt in their diet and why maintaining the electrolyte homeostasis is so important. It also provides a genetic mutation base for the glucose intolerance migraineurs all seem to have. It is an open access article, so if you are interested and familiar with the terminology, chew your way through it!

My hypothesis, based on which the Stanton Migraine Protocol® is built and the book “Fighting The Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide: How to Treat & Prevent Migraines without Medicine” is written, is all here with genetic explanation 2+ years after I published my book and started to treat migraineurs.

Now we know the genetics behind why migraineurs using the Stanton Migraine Protocol® are so successful at becoming and staying migraine and medicine free: we took control of the very channels that have genetic mutations and control the ionic process with precision. It works like a charm!

Please contact me for more information!


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Running Marathon Without Migraine Using the Stanton Migraine Protocol®

Can migraineurs run Marathons without migraine?

There are many sport members in my migraine group on Facebook and a few Marathon runners in that group. One such Marathon runner had quite a story that you can find in my previous posts but also on her blog. She just posted an update about her latest Marathon of last weekend:

Hi, just back to report that running the marathon on Sunday was an incredible experience. I felt confident to push harder and took 26 minutes off my previous best time, despite challenges of hills, wind and rain. But the best part was having a clear head and vision afterwards. Sore muscles yes but otherwise I have felt fabulous since then, which is a new experience for me. I am so overwhelmed and ecstatic! Thanks again Angela Stanton, this has been such an amazing journey!


I am so happy that the Stanton Migraine Protocol® is helping so many people, even in extreme challenges to the body like a Marathon run! Please pass on the link to my website to the migraineurs you know or sport enthusiasts who need some guidance in proper hydration through challenging activities.

I offer free service in the migraine group (no privacy) or for-fee service options (totally private). Please fill in the contact form to reach me for more information!

Have a super day!


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All Neurologists at the Local Hospital Talk About it (me)

A migraine group member posted this message in my group today:
“Today I went to the doctor. I told him that I always hydrate well, and eat low carb, because of migraine. He said, “oh, you’re doing that thing” I said, the Stanton Migraine Protocol. He says all the neurologists at the local hospital talk about it and like it! You go, Angela Stanton!”
This is in Florida (I am in California)… can we say that the Stanton Migraine Protocol® is now known and used from ocean to ocean from West to East and the whole country? In fact it is used the whole world now.
Thanks to all the doctors who have realized its potential and are using already or consider using the Stanton Migraine Protocol®!!!
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Saved from Migraine: One Life at the Time! Story Makes News.

Migraines and Electrolyte

The story you are about to read happened in my migraine group with a member whose husband contacted me from the ER–she was not yet a member. Not quite sure how our paths crossed actually! She was in the ER and then in the hospital for many days. Her migraines did not respond to any medicine. As you will read her story below, her pain had been with her since an accident in 2000. Her husband contacted me first on June 23, 2015. I know the date because he contacted me on Facebook using PM (personal messenger). He started to tell me the story “She has suffered w/ migraines for 15 years (Oct. 2000) after hitting her head under a bathroom cabinet” and off we went into details of her migraines and what can be done.

I will spare you from the details of the whole story for privacy reasons but basically she started on the Stanton Migraine Protocol® that day. Here you find her story from the company that was kind enough to even notice the changes she went through (I have yet to see another company that actually pays attention to its employees to this level!). I am so impressed! I wish I lived where they live so I could drink that wholesome goodness of milk they produce!

There is a little typo in my name; it is Angela and not Angelia (I like Angelia also though!) and the milk amount is exaggerated but that doesn’t matter. A life was saved and here is her story that is also on TV  (local NBC news):

Kristen’s Six Gallons of Guernsey Raw Milk; and a miracle

Over a year ago a young woman came to the farm. She was emaciated, had a difficult time walking and could not speak. Driven to the farm by her mother, husband or sister, each week she would purchase six gallons of our Guernsey Gold milk .

After a few months, I noticed that she was walking better, we would have a very brief conversation and she would leave with her six gallons of milk. I was happy that she seemed to be better but, curious as to what was her “story”.

A few more months past by and I saw a very different woman than the one who entered my store in the beginning. I had to asked the question, I had to know, what was her story? During one of her weekly visits for her “six” gallons of milk, I stated, “you are a different person than when you first came to our farm, what is your story”?

Her story: Kristen had a head injury in 2000. Afterward, she began suffering from migraine headaches. They became so unbearable and persistent that she had to leave her teaching profession. For six years she was bed-ridden and had virtually little, if any, quality of life. She was literally on every medication known for migraines such as oxycontin and morphine. Some medications that she had taken were causing early Parkinson-like symptoms to develop, namely muscle weakness, tremors, and difficulty with speech. She vomited everyday leaving her weak and severely underweight.

Kristen tried all types of diets to help ease her pain including vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, she had a neuro-stimulator placed in her brain for pain control, she tried acupuncture, chiropractors, essential oils, oxygen therapy, magnesium drips, vitamin C drips, and none of these helped relieve the unbearable relentless pain that she endured everyday. Kristen would virtually lay in ice packs, in a dark room wearing sunglasses but yet none of these therapies gave her notable relief.

When she was admitted last summer to Southwestern her blood pressure was out of control because of her pain level and the neurologist stated, “this was the worst case of migraine headaches they had ever seen”. All resources had been exhausted. Well, perhaps not all of them. It was during this hospital stay when her husband, Mark discovered some valuable information; Dr. Angelia Stanton, a neuroscientist, and her migraine protocol.

While she was in the hospital, Mark began this protocol for Kristen. The essence of Dr. Stanton’s protocol is to increase dietary “good” fats and balance electrolytes. Her protocol for Kristen was to drink one gallon of milk each day. Yes, one gallon of milk each day and that Kristen did. Mark, knew about The Waldo Way and this is when our farm became part of her story.

Almost a year has past and Kristen has regained a quality of life that she so deserves, she does not wake every morning vomiting, she can walk, she can talk, she has little pain these days and she has a testimony of what the Guernsey Raw Milk can do. Guernsey raw milk has the perfect sodium/potassium balance, the electrolytes, and healing saturated fats that are needed for her to remain migraine free.

Her quality of life is such that she can hold down a job these days. We are thrilled to introduce Kristen to you for she has joined The Waldo Way Dairy Farm Staff. We cannot express how grateful we are for her restored health and for being a part of our farm family. When you come to visit, please do welcome her.

We are hopeful that her testimony can bring insight for others and perhaps give relief to those who may be suffering with migraine headaches. Kristen had an incredible journey with pain, has an amazing testimony of healing, and yearns to share her story with those who are in need of help. In addition, her father is a veterinarian and she worked in his practice for years. Having said this, she has a great working knowledge and love for animals, which is a good fit for working with our Guernsey Gold Girls. Miracles do happen; Kristen had one. As always, abundant blessings, Ris~

Post Script: If interested Dr. Stanton’s FB site is, “Migraine Sufferers Who Want to be cured”. Kristen no longer needs medications for migraines and is making plans to have the neuro-stimulator removed this summer.

Post Post Script: A few months ago Kristen’s twin sister, Erica came to the farm and she said to me, “Ris, thank you for your farm and for being here”. And I replied, “oh, you are welcome”. Erica, then said, “Ris, I really mean it, you see, you gave my sister back to me”. Once again, I was reminded and thankful for my humble missionary farm work” :

I thank the Waldo Way Dairy Farm for appreciating their employees and congratulate Kristen on her job! Awesome recovery and a great job well done!!! Now if only I could have some of that milk!!!

Comments are welcome as always!

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Science Rediscovered What My Book (2 years old) is All About!

Greetings migraineurs!

Updated on January 30, 2018:

I thank Science for now discovering what I have already published in my book several years ago (2014–1st edition) and which many migraineurs I treat have been using for several years, preventing and averting their migraines and sleeping like a log already (this article is only part of what I do for migraine prevention). I suppose later is better than never!

So if you have migraines or know someone who does, send them my book and send them my way! Read testimonials from some of those I treated. They can make an appointment with me using the contact form.

Pain-free life is great! Let them know it is possible!

Comments are welcome!


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Salt in Water & Lemon Juice? Nope!

The Wrong Treatment

Lately I see many websites popping up referencing an article I wrote (this site apparently is down till the 21st of March as it is migrated to a new site) about two years ago, distorting it to the point that drinking the kind of hydration they recommend can actually be harmful. One of these sites is here that is actually linking directly to my article as if what is in their article is what is in mine but that is wrong.

Lately so many articles are popping up with the wrong information that I though it is important to write the correct information so that migraineurs don’t get hurt. It is also important to make sure that a well-intended article is not allowed to be twisted to bits and made fake.

So first, I discuss the importance of hydration; next why salt and why not just salt; why not a ton of salt; and finally why not lemon.

The Importance of Hydration

Hydration is elementary for our body. On average, a man’s body is about 70% water and a woman’s body is about 55%. The difference comes from the amount of fat a female body contains when it is healthy, which is much more than men have. Obviously not everyone fits the mold so the amount of water is somewhere between 55% and 70% for most everyone. This means that if we grab an average 140 lbs female, her water will weigh minimum 77 lbs. That is a lot of water. A man who may weigh 160 lbs, his water weighs approximately 112 lbs. So when we talk about water, you know we really are talking about the most important substance in your body. However water does not do anything in the body without help from various minerals, such as sodium chloride (salt), potassium, etc. In other words, water is used to create electrolyte. It is not meant to be just going into your body by entering through your mouth and come out the other end in 10 minutes. It also isn’t supposed to be clear water-color and transparent as some TV doctor suggested on his show because of which many people aim at completely clear urine.  That is wrong. That means the water you drank did not do anything in your body.

Possible causes for clear light urine color:

  • You are drinking too much water
  • You are eating too much carbs
  • You are not eating a balanced potassium and sodium mix
  • Your kidneys are in trouble
  • You have diabetes type 2
  • You urinate too often
  • You are taking diuretics and/or medicines

Possible causes for dark urine color:

  • You are drinking too little water
  • Your kidneys are in trouble
  • You are urinating too seldom
  • You are severely dehydrated by tea, alcohol, or medicines

The proper urine color is transparent yellow. Unfortunately those of you taking vitamins will have a hard time checking the true color. But if you deviate much from the healthy color, it is time to consider revising your hydration.

Why Salt & Why Not Just Salt?

Salt is a great element without which there is no life. A person’s body is filled with several lbs of salt. We lose salt as we breathe, sweat, talk, etc. It is lost together with water. We also urinate it out so it needs to be replaced. We cannot make salt but we are made of salt water so we must eat salt. Salt creates the type of voltage cells use to generate action potential for the brain and the heart and other cells. It is especially critical for both the brain and the heart,

Action potential changes the shape of the cell’s membrane to allow voltage gated pumps to open and close. Resting potential is when the cell is “charging up” for the next action potential. Action and resting potentials are powered by the substances in electrolyte. Salt, a key electrolyte mineral, breaks up in the body into ions of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl) and they must remain mobile. Sodium moves out of the cells in exchange of potassium (K+) moving in; potassium is another key substance in electrolyte. Thus eating salt is not enough. A proper brain needs salt and potassium and a lot of other minerals, collectively found in the electrolyte, that generate voltage and transport nutrients into the cells and toxins out of the cells.

Why is that important for migraineurs?

Migraine is not an illness but a condition in which the brain is fighting an inability to generate action potential. This is shown in the scanner as cortical depression–these are regions of zero electrical activity. A migraine brain is anatomically different from a non-migraine brain. The original Stanton Migraine Protocol® teaches you how to ensure proper voltage supply for your brain at all times, preventing the formation of cortical depression regions. Since electrolytes are important in the prevention of such regions, the entire spectrum of elements in electrolytes are important to maintain. Dumping a bunch of salt into a glass of water with some lemon will not help in creating proper electrolyte. Drinking electrolyte water types sold in stores will also not provide proper electrolyte balance. Migraine brain is so different from other brains that keeping electrolyte in balance requires a lot more than adding salt to water; other things are also important. These are discussed in the Stanton Migraine Protocol® extensively.

Why Not A Ton Of Salt?

Salt is great but it needs to have proper balance with potassium. Add too much salt without enough potassium and  exchange of sodium (from inside the cells to the outside) is not possible and thus no old (used) water can be released by your cells and it cannot be replaced with fresh water either so the water runs past your cells.

This can cause toxicity to the cells. This also causes the water to be urinated out within 10 minutes from your drinking it, because all your cells are fully saturated and cannot let more water in. Thus too much salt can prevent hydration! The articles that mention “migraine cure” by drinking salt water with lemon juice recommend 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water–here is an example–and there are many more out there with the same message. That much salt is twice the USDA recommended daily maximum! It can seriously hurt you. 

Why Not Lemon?

Lemon is a great fruit. It is a fruit that has sugar and very little potassium. It does not taste sweet (nor do many alcohols or vinegar that are also sugar) but it is sugar. An average lemon has 3.2 grams of carbs in its juice and since 4 grams of carbs is equal to a teaspoon of sugar, a lemon is almost a teaspoon of sugar. You may not think much of that but one of the key reasons migraines hit is because of sugar. Why this is happening is explained in the Stanton Migraine Protocol®. Thus drinking a migraine-causing sugary drink with a tremendous amount of oversupply of salt and with way too little potassium (a wedge of lemon has only 6 mg potassium) will do only one thing: make you throw up, as it happened so far with all who tried it among those who joined my program for migraine prevention and treatment.

For reference, the USDA RDA (recommended daily allowance) for sodium is between 1500 mg and 2400 mg sodium (2400 mg is 1 teaspoon) based on age and health and between 3500 mg and 4700 mg potassium. Migraineurs have different energy need because of their highly over sensitized brains with more sensory neuron receptor connections. Migraine-brains use more voltage. With the numerous articles on the internet recommending 2 teaspoons of salt in water and a wedge of lemon, they mix 4800 mg sodium and 6 mg potassium. Compare that to the USDA RDA. The the Stanton Migraine Protocol® uses slightly different ratio compared with the USDA but not by much. The Stanton Migraine Protocol® uses other knowledge to prevent migraine and not salt and lemon. The the Stanton Migraine Protocol® in not a salt protocol by any stretch of the imagination. 

If you have migraines or know someone who does, please advise them to not drink the toxic mixture of 2 teaspoons of salt and lemon in water because it may hurt them! Please share to be sure that those who are inclined to try, do not! And though many places refer to this mix as the Stanton Migraine Protocol®, it has nothing to do with the Stanton Migraine Protocol® so please avoid!

Thank you for your help!! Please share!

Comments are welcome, as always!



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Grains and the Stanton Migraine Protocol®


I published  Those Evil Grains: Gluten Free Versus Grain Free that you really should read. Eating gluten free can be worse for your health and migraines than eating gluten, provided you are not a Celiac. However, eating grain free can be a life (and migraine) saver! Although the article is not tailored to migraineurs, I am amending it here now so you can see the connection.


Grains are high in carbohydrates and if you are on the Stanton Migraine Protocol® then you know that carbohydrates are trouble for migraineurs. If you are not yet part of the followers of the Stanton Migraine Protocol® then you should be! It teaches you how to prevent migraines. Grains have a role in migraines though not every migraineur needs to go grain free. Grains have extremely high carbohydrates plus they interfere with nutrient absorption, causing a double whammy for everyone, in general, and particularly for migraineurs. Please note I am not talking gluten free but grain free. To find out the difference, read the article, because there is quite a bit of confusion out there today!

Read the article and see how it may change your life! And then contact me to improve your health and get rid of your migraines for life.

Comments are welcome as always!


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How To Beat Migraine Using the Stanton Migraine Protocol®

Can migraine be beat without medicines?

You bet.

I have been updating the testimonials page as I get them as often as I can. This time I am creating a little blog around a testimonial I received today to provide a bit of guidance to those who are not decided on what to do about their migraines.

Here is the original testimonial–I removed private information:

This is a summary of the number of days with migraines that I have had the last 8 years. I have no records from before. I found Angela in August 2014. Before that, I was getting worse and worse, year after year. In 2015 I decreased my migraines more than a 60% from 2013. I’ve been migraine free for 25 days a few times. That is my record so far. I reduced my painkillers intake dramatically to none or only 1 if the pain is too hard.
It might sound still poor for some of you that have been 100% successful. However I am very pleased with myself since I come from more than 20 years of dehydration, just peeing straight away [crystal] clear all the water that I was drinking, without realizing that I was making more damage than benefit while I was following the advise of “drink water to hydrate your body” that all doctors tell you. It’s amazing that nobody explains the right way to hydrate your body. It should be a subject at school to prevent all kind of diseases and health problems.


I am also including a calendar that the migraineur posted so you can see the trend of migraines over the years and since she has started the Stanton Migraine Protocol®

Migraine chart

Migraine chart

As you can see, we have here a person who has been meticulously charting her progress over 7 years and is now starting the 8th year. Note that she met me in 2014 when my book published so she was not able to fully apply all knowledge yet but she started. Note the sharp reductions in migraines from 2013 through 1015; since 2016 just started, obviously that does not count.

I must add that migraineurs who join my process of Stanton Migraine Protocol®  become migraine free over time (no, it cannot happen overnight!) and as they become migraine free, they also stop all their medications. This migraineur is not yet fully migraine free but has already stopped all her migraine medications and is only taking an OTC pain-killer when it is an absolute must.

For those who never took preventive medicines, or took them only for a very short time, recover fast–most within weeks and in general 2-4 months. Those who take preventive medicines every day, take longer to recover because many of the preventives block the process of recovery so we need to compensate. We need to allow them to reduce medications slowly and stop them. Some of the preventives can take a year or more to reduce in full and though “not addictive” is what is said, they are actually very addictive. The politically correct term is “discontinuation syndrome” which means “addicted to the teeth”. Once the migraineur is no longer on any migraine medicines that interfere with the treatment, recovery is very fast.

If you have any questions, please send me a note. Join the medicine free movement–oh and I did not mention: this is also an herbs free and supplement free method that is based on my book , two published academic journal articles (one, two) and on the Stanton Migraine Protocol®.

Comments and questions are welcome!


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New Journal Article Published on the Stanton Migraine Protocol


An article I wrote is in “Article in press” publishing on December 1st. Title “Migraine Cause and Treatment” in the Journal of Mental Health in Family Medicine.


Migraine Cause and Treatment

Background: Research shows that migraine brains have hyperactive sensory organs and multiple sensory receptor connections. Hyper activity of these organs needs extra supply of nutrition to support increased electrical activity. Today’s medicines reduce or prevent the functioning of these neurons by blocking essential voltage dependent calcium or sodium channel instead of providing nutrients. We asked: if we provide support for extra electrical activity of migraineurs, would it prevent migraines without the use of medicines?

Methods: We reviewed published literature and conducted research over 6 months studying 650 volunteer migraineurs in a migraine-research Facebook group. Participants were screened for migraine types, answered a questionnaire on medical conditions, medicines used, and lifestyle. They were provided instructions on the use of the migraine protocol and were evaluated weekly.

Findings: Migraine frequency appears to be exacerbated by carbohydrate-rich and salt- and water-poor diets and may be worsened by medicines that block voltage gated calcium or sodium channels. Stopping these medicines, reducing carbohydrates and increasing saline in electrolytes appears to prevent and/or stop migraines.

Conclusions: H2O and Na+ efflux from cells caused by glucose, electrolyte mineral (Na+, Cl, K+) ratio may be disrupted in carbohydrate heavy diets causing migraines. Changes to diet that include increased salt intake along with reduced carbohydrate intake appears to prevent glucose induced electrolyte changes which then decreases migraine frequency. In the present study, all participants who made these dietary changes were able to eliminate migraine medications and remained migraine free.

Enjoy reading the full article! I hope to elicit more than usual turmoil since this article goes against all conventional migraine treatments but it actually works and there are no medicines involved. 🙂

Comments are welcome as always!


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Do We Need Pain Killers?

Before you take your next pain killer you need to read this!

I wanted to post a little abstract here–hard language but the title tells it all. It is not an open article so I cannot share it but I can write up a summary on it if you all are interested. The title tells it all:

“Decrease of Gray Matter Volume in the Midbrain is Associated with Treatment Response in Medication-Overuse Headache: Possible Influence of Orbitofrontal Cortex”
Franz Riederer1, Andreas R. Gantenbein1, Marvin Marti1, Roger Luechinger2, Spyridon Kollias3, and Peter S. Sándor1,4
The Journal of Neuroscience, 25 September 2013, 33(39): 15343-15349; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3804-12.2013

******So.. medication overuse causes permanent damage!*****

Here is the abstract:

“Patients with chronic daily headache and overuse of analgesics, triptans, or other acute headache compounds, are considered to suffer from medication-overuse headache (MOH). This implies that medication overuse is the cause of headache chronification. It remains a key question why only two-thirds of patients with chronic migraine-like headache and overuse of pain medication improve after detoxification, whereas the remainder continue to have chronic headache. In the present longitudinal MRI study, we used voxel-based morphometry to investigate gray matter changes related to medication withdrawal in a group of humans with MOH. As a main result, we found that only patients with significant clinical improvement showed a significant decrease of previously increased gray matter in the midbrain including periaqueductal gray matter and nucleus cuneiformis, whereas patients without improvement did not. Patients without treatment response had less gray matter in the orbitofrontal cortex. Another striking result is the correlation of treatment response with the amount of orbitofrontal gray matter. Thus, we demonstrate adaptive gray matter changes within the pain modulatory system in patients with MOH who responded to detoxification, probably reflecting neuronal plasticity. Decreased gray matter in the orbitofrontal cortex at baseline may be predictive of poor response to treatment.”

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